Friday, September 30, 2005

A couple of things:

  • Happy birthday to my dear friend Juli, who has been having such a hard time of it due to Katrina. I'm so happy you and Shawn have decided to settle in Dallas. I'm so happy that your life is starting to get back on track. I've been so worried about you, sweetie. I hope your day is great! You deserve it.

  • Yesterday was full of nothing but gaming, and I am not the same for it. O.M.G.W.T.F.

  • Sometimes I'm just in the mood for black tea, right?

  • My hair is still OMGRED and it's seriously growing on me.

  • I'm so, so tired of The Governator.

  • I'm leaving for Northern Faire in a few hours, so I'm saying my goodbyes now, while I'm not yet running around the house at a frantic pace, trying to remember everything I've forgotten to pack. I will be back around either late, late Sunday night (depending on how tired I am) or Monday. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. I'm sure I will!


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