Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Ran into Sean tonight for the first time in months. It's so strange how, with him and I, any bad feelings can just go away when I see him, just because I know it'll be harder to try and stay mad at him rather than just letting shit slide and moving on with my life. He's too big a part of things to let grudges factor in. I suppose I'm just bitter over things. I guess I'm over it. None of it was a big deal, anyway. People move on and apart, and instead of getting angry and trying to shut that person out, it's better to move with things and try to meet them in the middle, right?

In other news, my hair is really fucking red. Much more red than I wanted it. I suppose Dez and I had a bit of a miscommunication regarding the color. I look like I've been scalped. As soon as my camera stops being an insolent whore, I'll have pictures. I mean, I like my hair... I just don't think it's appropriate anymore. I'm a little too old to have my hair this color when I don't actually have a job that will allow it.

God, I feel so old. Fuck it. I like my hair. I'm keeping it.


At 6:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how is sean doing? It's been awhile since I have ran into him.

And yeah, I am not much surprised that your hair is really red. One thing I learned when hanging out with Dez, is when she talks about red hair dye. She seriously means it will be Red.

At 11:05 AM, Blogger Colleen said...

I'm not really sure how Sean is doing. I only saw him briefly, and we didn't get a chance to talk. I actually hadn't seen him myself for a few months. It was slightly surreal.

Yeah, the red... you're right. But I maintain that I did tell her auburn a few times, and she maintains that the red she used on me should not have come out as bright as it did. So next time, we test it first. Hehehe.


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