Saturday, October 29, 2005

Oh, right - And there are pictures from closing weekend of Northern Faire up at my Photobucket account, if anyone is interested.

Yes, I've been MIA. My computer was threatening to blow up on me.

Two of my fans were broken, and the last time that happened, my CPU overheated and killed my hard-drive and I lost everything, so I wasn't about to take that chance again. My computer was off for a little over two weeks before I had the chance to take it in to get it fixed, then I had to wait another couple of days to get it back. But now I'm back... back and still boring. Yay.

I promise that when something exciting happens, you'll all be the first to know. Or, you know, when I'm not too lazy to blog.

Going out for sushi tonight with a few friends. Maybe we'll get car-jacked or something. That might be fun, right?

Friday, October 14, 2005

Off to Faire for closing weekend. Even though this isn't my home Faire and I haven't been up there much, I know it'll still be a bummer to say goodbye. It's such a great Faire.

I'll be back on Monday with pictures, et al.

Now, let's just hope Willow came through on the gatelist... *crosses fingers*

Thursday, October 13, 2005

BlogRolling is pissing me off. And my lower left wisdom tooth is on the move again, so the entire left side of my face aches. Life is currently poopy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

For the past few weeks, meat and dairy have been playing chainsaw hockey with my insides, with sugar bench-sitting and getting called in to pinch hit on ocassion.

I've decided to cut out the meat and seriously reduce my dairy and sugar intake.

Back to being a vegetarian. It's like an annual ritual with me. Let's see how I do this time, 'eh?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I am such a lazy bastard.

Granted, I have an excuse for not blogging, but only for a few days, not for a week. I caught that Flu of Death (tm) and was laid up for a few days after I got back from Faire. I couldn't even sit up long enough to play online. Hell, I couldn't think straight enough to form a coherant thought.

Hm. Why didn't I blog? That could have proven interesting.

As for these past few days, well... I've just been lazy. Lazy and borning. Seriously. Nothing interesting here.



Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I visited the Renaissance Pleasure Faire in Northern California this past weekend, as you all well know. My favorite moments of note:
  • The types of brilliant conversations that only silly girls can have in the car on the way up.

  • The truck stop where old black men go to eat pie and die.

  • Belting musicals out at the top of our lungs in Kadessa.

  • The fish-and-chips cow.

  • Casa de Kittens!

  • Wondering if DanWill was actually going to suck the tent in on himself and Lexie with his Snoring of Doom(tm).

  • Shoppies!

  • The hotness of Taliesin with no hair.

  • The stereotypical older hippie woman lavishing praise on me and Taliesin. "You're both so aesthetic. You add so much atmosphere here... you're so lovely and beautiful..." She was brilliant.

  • Actually getting to see Taliesin, Caddy, Willow, Patch, et al. Many people that I adore that I don't get to see nearly enough.

  • Hat shopping with Cecily and Willow. "You're covered in bees!"

  • Ice-Cream Social turning into Southern invasion.

  • Being kiss-raped by Clare. I win.

  • Butternut squash. Yummy.

  • "I want to make sweet hate to you."

  • Watching K's descent from a normal, upstanding woman into a foaming ball of sexual frustration. I shall say no more.

  • Learning of Laura's amazing superpower; the ability to walk through hay, but only if she's not wearing any pants.

  • Caddy's Victorian Balls(tm).

  • $10 DanWill/Caddy slash.

  • Baby Phone Jesus with the Three Wise Phones.
  • "Gah! Was your hair red last night?!" "Uh, yeah. It was sort of really dark outside..." "Oh. Right."

  • Belles, Merry Wives, Morris dancing, oh my!

  • Greek food.

  • SHOES. SHOES IN THE HAY. Descending into madness.

  • Ehehehehee. They're going to kill me.

  • Ridiculous amounts of harmless gossiping on the way home. Ah, hart. Sometimes I am such a girl.

Thank you so much to everyone that I ran into this weekend for making Northern such a great time. I had a blast.

Oh, yes; Red hair: