Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I visited the Renaissance Pleasure Faire in Northern California this past weekend, as you all well know. My favorite moments of note:
  • The types of brilliant conversations that only silly girls can have in the car on the way up.

  • The truck stop where old black men go to eat pie and die.

  • Belting musicals out at the top of our lungs in Kadessa.

  • The fish-and-chips cow.

  • Casa de Kittens!

  • Wondering if DanWill was actually going to suck the tent in on himself and Lexie with his Snoring of Doom(tm).

  • Shoppies!

  • The hotness of Taliesin with no hair.

  • The stereotypical older hippie woman lavishing praise on me and Taliesin. "You're both so aesthetic. You add so much atmosphere here... you're so lovely and beautiful..." She was brilliant.

  • Actually getting to see Taliesin, Caddy, Willow, Patch, et al. Many people that I adore that I don't get to see nearly enough.

  • Hat shopping with Cecily and Willow. "You're covered in bees!"

  • Ice-Cream Social turning into Southern invasion.

  • Being kiss-raped by Clare. I win.

  • Butternut squash. Yummy.

  • "I want to make sweet hate to you."

  • Watching K's descent from a normal, upstanding woman into a foaming ball of sexual frustration. I shall say no more.

  • Learning of Laura's amazing superpower; the ability to walk through hay, but only if she's not wearing any pants.

  • Caddy's Victorian Balls(tm).

  • $10 DanWill/Caddy slash.

  • Baby Phone Jesus with the Three Wise Phones.
  • "Gah! Was your hair red last night?!" "Uh, yeah. It was sort of really dark outside..." "Oh. Right."

  • Belles, Merry Wives, Morris dancing, oh my!

  • Greek food.

  • SHOES. SHOES IN THE HAY. Descending into madness.

  • Ehehehehee. They're going to kill me.

  • Ridiculous amounts of harmless gossiping on the way home. Ah, hart. Sometimes I am such a girl.

Thank you so much to everyone that I ran into this weekend for making Northern such a great time. I had a blast.


At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I hate that the last three years have seen me most often working weekends. Everytime I hear your various stories from Faire, I regret my inability to be involved. I need a good dosage of silliness and boyslash from time to time.

At 12:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What makes the DanWill/Caddy slash pic so great is DanWill's smile and the fact that he has CASH in his hand!


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