Saturday, November 05, 2005

Oh my goodness. Last night was more fun that I've had in a long time, all rolled up into one evening.

I went to go see The Poxy Boggards perform at The Galaxy Theater in Santa Ana, CA. As all of you know, I work Renaissance Faires and the Boggards started out over ten years ago as a small, six-man group playing at my home Faire (The Southern California Renaissance Pleasure Faire) and have now grown to a, I believe, fourteen-man group who are one of the most popular draws at Faire. They got a lucky break just over a year ago; the chance to open for the group The Fenians at one of their shows.

They did so well and drew so many people, that the Fenians asked them back again and again, and they kept doing so well that they were asked to headline their very own show at the Galaxy last night. The Galaxy holds approximately 620 people at it’s capacity, if standing-room only. I believe the Boggards sold 550 tickets. To almost sell-out your first headlining show... That’s just an insane accomplishment.

They are an amazing group of guys. The range of talent in that group is just astounding. From traditional Renaissance madrigals to epic ballads that will make you cry to the bawdiest and most offensive songs that you can't even take the time to be horrified at because you're laughing so hard... they do it all, and they do it well.

I am so proud to know them and I am so proud of them and I can't wait to see where they go from here... I just hope they never, ever go too far from Faire.

Here are some of my favorite images from the evening:

The rest of the pictures are uploaded here, if you're interested.


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